Voi Network

Minimum hardware requirement

2 Cores, 4G Ram, Min 80G SSD

Open port: no

Server preparation

Ubuntu 22.04

This guide is only suitable for x86 architecture machines as it relies on the Algorand repository, which does not publish packages for other architectures such as ARM64.

1. Auto Install

sudo apt install curl -y && source <(curl -s https://nodesync.top/voi/install)

choose y + enter (next step)

Password install is: nodesync

Input Your Telemetry Name

Please "enter" to next step when was ask

2. Check logs

goal node status -w 1000

3. Wallet

Create your wallet on site: https://a-wallet.net/

Please save your wallet address and 24 word mnemonic seed

Faucet token on discord https://discord.com/invite/vnFbrJrHeW: /voi-testnet-faucet

4. Create Name and Import Wallet

Create Name:

goal wallet new wallet --recover

Import Wallet

goal account import

Check account wallet

goal account list

Please faucet token VOI before next step

5. Generate your participation keys

getaddress() {
  if [ "$addr" == "" ]; then echo -ne "\nNote: Completing this will remember your address until you log out. "; else echo -ne "\nNote: Using previously entered address. "; fi; echo -e "To forget the address, press Ctrl+C and enter the command:\n\tunset addr\n";
  count=0; while ! (echo "$addr" | grep -E "^[A-Z2-7]{58}$" > /dev/null); do
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "Invalid address, please try again."; fi
    echo -ne "\nEnter your voi address: "; read addr;
    addr=$(echo "$addr" | sed 's/ *$//g'); count=$((count+1));
  done; echo "Using address: $addr"
getaddress &&\
echo -ne "\nEnter duration in rounds [press ENTER to accept default)]: " && read duration &&\
start=$(goal node status | grep "Last committed block:" | cut -d\  -f4) &&\
duration=${duration:-2000000} &&\
end=$((start + duration)) &&\
dilution=$(echo "sqrt($end - $start)" | bc) &&\
goal account addpartkey -a $addr --roundFirstValid $start --roundLastValid $end --keyDilution $dilution

After a few minutes, you should see:

6. Check your participation status

getaddress() {
  if [ "$addr" == "" ]; then echo -ne "\nNote: Completing this will remember your address until you log out. "; else echo -ne "\nNote: Using previously entered address. "; fi; echo -e "To forget the address, press Ctrl+C and enter the command:\n\tunset addr\n";
  count=0; while ! (echo "$addr" | grep -E "^[A-Z2-7]{58}$" > /dev/null); do
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "Invalid address, please try again."; fi
    echo -ne "\nEnter your voi address: "; read addr;
    addr=$(echo "$addr" | sed 's/ *$//g'); count=$((count+1));
  done; echo "Using address: $addr"
getaddress &&\
goal account dump -a $addr | jq -r 'if (.onl == 1) then "You are online!" else "You are offline." end'

If you are online (participating in consensus) this should output You are online!. Otherwise, it will output You are offline.

7. Register to go online

getaddress() {
  if [ "$addr" == "" ]; then echo -ne "\nNote: Completing this will remember your address until you log out. "; else echo -ne "\nNote: Using previously entered address. "; fi; echo -e "To forget the address, press Ctrl+C and enter the command:\n\tunset addr\n";
  count=0; while ! (echo "$addr" | grep -E "^[A-Z2-7]{58}$" > /dev/null); do
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "Invalid address, please try again."; fi
    echo -ne "\nEnter your voi address: "; read addr;
    addr=$(echo "$addr" | sed 's/ *$//g'); count=$((count+1));
  done; echo "Using address: $addr"
getaddress &&\
goal account changeonlinestatus -a $addr -o=1 &&\
sleep 1 &&\
goal account dump -a $addr | jq -r 'if (.onl == 1) then "You are online!" else "You are offline." end'

You will see a prompt for your address (unless you entered it earlier) and your wallet password. After you enter it, you should see the following:

8. Renew your participation keys

getaddress() {
  if [ "$addr" == "" ]; then echo -ne "\nNote: Completing this will remember your address until you log out. "; else echo -ne "\nNote: Using previously entered address. "; fi; echo -e "To forget the address, press Ctrl+C and enter the command:\n\tunset addr\n";
  count=0; while ! (echo "$addr" | grep -E "^[A-Z2-7]{58}$" > /dev/null); do
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "Invalid address, please try again."; fi
    echo -ne "\nEnter your voi address: "; read addr;
    addr=$(echo "$addr" | sed 's/ *$//g'); count=$((count+1));
  done; echo "Using address: $addr"
getaddress &&\
echo -ne "\nEnter duration in rounds [press ENTER to accept default)]: " && read duration &&\
start=$(goal node status | grep "Last committed block:" | cut -d\  -f4) &&\
duration=${duration:-2000000} &&\
end=$((start + duration)) &&\
dilution=$(echo "sqrt($end - $start)" | bc) &&\
goal account renewpartkey -a $addr --roundLastValid $end --keyDilution $dilution

Check Voi-Node Metrics


Last updated